What we have:
A ERC20 Transfer
Event emitted in Sepolia USDC contract.
What we need:
The verification on Chiado chain of the actual Sepolia Transfer
How Hashi enables the Event verification:
With HashiAPI: a offchain component used to retrieve the Event Proof for the specific Sepolia Event emitted.
With HashiProver: a onchain contract provided by Hashi which can verify the block proof provided by HashiAPI. HashiProver must be deployed on the target chain (Chiado in this case) and can be used in a custom contract which can use the Event proof verification provided by HashiProver itself.
Steps followed in this example:
Fetch the event proof for Transfer
event from Sepolia.
Deploy a custom contract on Chiado that will verify the event proof using HashiProver.
Submitting the proof to the custom contract.